After payment is processed, you may send your email at any time. Send it to with the subject line "EMAIL COUNSELING" so I attend to it right away! Allow 3-5 business days for a reply, but it is often much sooner.
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Email Financial Counseling$89
Evaluation of personal situation, review, and make suggestions.
Overview of options and best courses of action.
Action plan for next steps to improve finances and meet financial goals.
Enter your bullet points here..
• Send a Budget, Spending Plan, or Savings Plan by email for review.
• OR send up to three specific questions by email for a response.
• Get professional feedback and suggestions by a written email or a video answer (answer format is decided by the counselor responding and may vary.
• The answer comes from Allyson, an Accredited Financial Counselor (AFC).
• Allow 3-5 business days for a response. But it is often much sooner!
Get help with any or all of the following:
- Set Goals & Create a Spending Plan
- Review of current Budget or Spending
- Debt Management Plan
- Review Healthcare Benefits and Other Insurance
- Savings and Investment Planning
- Divorce Clean-Up or Preparation Divorce
- Student Loan Strategies
- Any other financial situations